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Post-event surveys are a valuable tool, as they can help you to gather feedback and insights from attendees after the event. These surveys can provide valuable information about the attendee experience, including what worked well, what could be improved, and what attendees would like to see in future events.

You can rename Surveys feature to any name of your choice and it will display the given name in the app and web for the event.

enter image description here

To Add a new Survey, click on the Add New button. The Add Survey pop-up window will appear.

  • Provide a title for the Survey form to describe what it is about by clicking the edit button on beside the Form name.

  • From the Form Components on the right side, drag and drop the fields you want to include in your survey form.

    • You can edit the name of the input field.

    • You can edit the Variable name for the field which is optional as it's used as an identifier for the dynamic fields.

      Note: The name and variable name needs to be unique. Changing or deleting any field's variable name will result in loss of corresponding data.

    • You can show or hide the field from the Public check.

    • You can mark it as a mandatory field by checking Required.

    • You can define the maximum length of the field.

  • You can rearrange the form fields br dragging it.

  • You can edit or delete the input field.

enter image description here

  • Click on Save to save changes. Proceed similarly to add more Surveys form.

You can mark a survey as mandatory and also see the number of responses of the survey and you can also download the survey results.

Note: You need to turn the Preview on to show the survey in the app/web.

You can drag and rearrange the forms, edit or delete them if required.


Q: What is an event survey?

Organizer has an option to capture responses from attendees, which may or may not be related to the session. It shows the result of individual responses from attendees. Organizers have an option to select fields such as TEXT, NUMBER, COUNTRY, MULTI-LINE-INPUT, CHECKBOX, DROPDOWN, DATE, PARAGRAPH HYPERLINK, etc.

Q: Can surveys be made mandatory?

Yes, surveys can be either optional or mandatory.

Q: How can we see the survey results?

Organizers have an option to download survey responses-sheets, from the admin panel.