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Integrating social handles can be a great way to enhance attendee engagement and networking opportunities.You can add your Twitter handle and hashtags in Eventify to have a better reach towards the attandees.

You can rename Social feature to any name of your choice and it will display the given name in the app and web for the event.

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To Add new Twitter handle or hashtag, click on the Add Twitter button. The Add Social Link OR #tag pop-up window will appear.

  • Enter the Twitter handle or a Hashtag.

Note: All the posts made from the added handle or the posts containing the hashtag, will be imported in the Social section of the mobile app.


Social feature in the mobile app also has options to create text posts with video and image and also to create poll posts.

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  • Click on Save Changes to save the handle or hashtag. Proceed similarly to add more hashtags or handles.

You can edit or delete the added handles. Removing or editing any hashtag or handle will also delete the previously imported posts from the app. Just the posts created by the attendees will remain.


Q: Does eventify provide space for a Private Social network?

Yes, the platform allows you to create a private social network like a social post, photo sharing, messaging, likes, comments, and personal profiles.

Q: Is there an option to check the profiles of another attendee on the event network?

Yes, an attendee can view all other attendees through the "attendee list" provided on the app menu. The attendee list provides info about other attendees. It allows networking by sending chat requests.

Q: What are the types of social networking sites integrated with this platform?

Organizers can get live feed from their social media account (Twitter & Instagram) by adding the page link.

Q: Can an attendee create social posts?

Yes, attendees can create, like or comment private posts from their event app.

Q: What are the types of posts allowed on this platform?

An attendee has an option to post text, pictures, video, and even run polls to take feedback.