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How to get the speaker's analytics data?

Speaker's Analytics data provides crucial details and valuable insights about the speakers, offering a comprehensive overview of their performance.To access the analytics data for the speakers, you just need to Go to the Analytics option. You will get the Dashboard section initially. To access the speakers data, simply click on the Speakers tab. The dates in the calendar can also be modified or adjusted as needed.

There are four sections of speaker data


  • Number of speakers: Indicates the total count of speakers participating in the event.

  • Speaker's list views: Represents the number of times the speaker list has been viewed.

  • Speaker's profile views: Tracks the number of users who have visited individual speaker profiles.

  • Speaker searches: Reflects the number of searches conducted on the speaker list.

  • Speaker favorites: Displays the count of speaker profiles that have been bookmarked or marked as favorites by users.

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For the next data on the Speaker Analytics section, you will find a comprehensive range of information pertaining to the different speakers added in your event. This data includes-

Speakers Engagement#

A graph depicting the Speakers Engagement is displayed, showcasing the level of activity and usage of the speaker feature as a whole, over the selected date range. The graph provides insights into the engagement trends over time as shown below :

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Top speakers#

The top speakers, who have generated the highest user engagement, are distinguished by their impressive number of profile views. These speakers have attracted considerable attention and interest from users, evident in the significant number of times their profiles have been viewed.

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Most searched keywords#

Most searched keywords display the frequently searched terms related to a speakers. The details provided include the keywords, the number of times they were searched, and the number of hits they received. This information helps identify the popular topics and interests among users, enabling event organizers to focus on relevant content and improve speaker selection.

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