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How To Make User Registration Available Publicly

Eventify offers the option to share user registration URL to make the process publicly available. Here's how you can use it.

Through Wizard :#

  • Go to User Management > Wizard

  • Determine the registration Policy option as "With Registration". To know how to set Registration policy to to User Registration Policy Types

  • Your event's user registration page Link will be automatically created.

enter image description here

Through Integrations :#

  • Go to Event Settings > Integrations > Registration form

Here you will find the Registration Form's url with the setting to hide/show the header and logo by selecting the checkbox 'Hide Header'.

enter image description here

Copy the registration link from either place and use it in your platform or share it with users in any way you prefer.

Make sure you customize the registration checkout form fields to collect the necessary attendee information for your event.