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Examples of percentage and amount based promo codes

Promo codes can be created with either a flat rate or on percentage. To know more about creating promo codes go to Creating Promo Code. Let us discuss the code type here.

Go to User Management >>Tickets >> Promo Discount

  • Go to Code Type and select the type of discount - Percentage / Amount.

Percentage will be calculated on order total or a fixed amount will be deducted for type Amount.

enter image description here

  • Enter the Amount Off you want to offer depending on your Code Type selection.

  • Fill the rest of the fields and save the promo code.

Let us check the examples:

If the Amount Off is set to 5.

  • Go to the tickets page and select any paid ticket

enter image description here

  • Click on the Have promo code option. Enter the promo code manually and click on the Apply button.

enter image description here

For Percentage#

Total order value is : 10 USD

Promo Discount : 5%

Users need to pay

{10-(10/100*5)} USD = (10-0.5) USD = 9.5 USD#

enter image description here#

Flat Amount#

Total order value is : 10 USD

Promo Discount : 5 USD flat

Users need to pay (10-5) = 5 USD

enter image description here

Note: If you want to remove the applied promo code just click on the “remove” button.