Examples of percentage and amount based promo codes
Promo codes can be created with either a flat rate or on percentage. To know more about creating promo codes go to Creating Promo Code. Let us discuss the code type here.
Go to User Management >>Tickets >> Promo Discount
- Go to Code Type and select the type of discount - Percentage / Amount.
Percentage will be calculated on order total or a fixed amount will be deducted for type Amount.
Enter the Amount Off you want to offer depending on your Code Type selection.
Fill the rest of the fields and save the promo code.
Let us check the examples:
If the Amount Off is set to 5.
- Go to the tickets page and select any paid ticket
- Click on the Have promo code option. Enter the promo code manually and click on the Apply button.
For PercentageTotal order value is : 10 USD
Promo Discount : 5%
Users need to pay
{10-(10/100*5)} USD = (10-0.5) USD = 9.5 USD
Flat AmountTotal order value is : 10 USD
Promo Discount : 5 USD flat
Users need to pay (10-5) = 5 USD
Note: If you want to remove the applied promo code just click on the “remove” button.