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How to get the exhibitor's analytics data?

Exhibitor analytics play a crucial role in event success by providing valuable insights and data-driven decision-making for organizers. To access the analytics data for the exhibitors, you just need to Go to the Analytics option. You will get the Dashboard section initially. To access the exhibitors data, simply click on the Exhibitors Insights tab. The dates in the calendar can also be modified or adjusted as needed.

There are six sections of exhibitor data


  1. Number of Exhibitors: This card indicates the total count of exhibitors participating in the event.

  2. Exhibitors' List Views: The number of users who have browsed through the exhibitors' list is displayed in this card.

  3. Exhibitors' Profile Views: This card shows the number of users who have visited exhibitors' profiles to learn more about them.

  4. Exhibitor Searches: The total number of searches performed on the exhibitor list is shown in this card.

  5. Exhibitor Favorites: This card displays the number of times exhibitor profiles have been bookmarked or added to favorites by users.

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For the next data on the Exhibitor Insights section, you will find a comprehensive range of information pertaining to the different exhibitors added in your event. This data includes-

Exhibitors Engagement#

A chart that visually represents the level of engagement with the exhibitor feature over a selected date range, providing insights into its active usage.

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Top Exhibitors#

Exhibitor profiles that have received the highest user engagement, indicating the most popular and well-received exhibitors.

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Most Searched Keywords#

Keywords that have been most frequently searched in relation to the exhibitors, giving insights into the topics or interests attendees are most interested in.

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Top Countries#

Countries from which the top exhibitors originate, providing information about the geographic distribution and reach of the most successful exhibitors.

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Top Category#

The most commonly used category related to exhibitors, highlighting the predominant areas or sectors represented by the exhibitors in the event.

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