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How to make a custom abstract collection form?

Creating a custom abstract collection form is very straightforward. With our user-friendly fomr builder, you can tailor the form to your specific requirements. Let's explore the steps that will help you to design a form that perfectly suits your needs.

  • Go to User Management >> Abstract Management >> Create New. You will see the Design Form as the second tab. You can customise this form as per your requirement. Here is how you can customise the form:

  • Select Field Types: On the left panel you will see several form components for your use. You can drag and drop the form components on the form area.

  • Customise the fields: You can customise the fields by

    • Renaming the field
    • Make the field Public / Private
    • Mark it as Required
    • Mark it as Visible to Reviewer
    • Set the Max length
  • Rearrange or Delete: You can rearrange the fields to create the needed flow. And if there's something you don't need, you can simply delete it.

    Note: However the fileds like Email, First and Last names cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Form Name: If you want a catchy name for your form, you can edit the name by clicking the edit button beside the "Proposal Form" title.

  • Save: Once you've designed your form, you can move to the next step by clicking "Save and Add Reviewer".

enter image description here

This ends the ways to customise the abstract form. If you need to know more about the other steps of creating an abstract collection go to Abstract Collection.