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My event has multiple tracks. How to add them?

Crafting a well-structured event schedule is essential to maximize attendee engagement, optimize resource allocation, and ensure a memorable experience for all attendees.

Let's see the process of creating a session's schedule.

  • Go to Content >Schedule. You can see all the dates of your event.

  • If you want to add the session in a track, click on +Add Track. (Each date can either have Tracks or be Track less.)

  • Enter a Track name and click Save. This will create a new Track.

enter image description here

  • Click on the New Session button.

  • Select the Session Date.

  • Select a track that the session will be added to, from Choose Track.

  • Give the Session Title.

  • Enter the Session Location or you can skip it.For Session Location you can give the venue/location name.

  • Select the Start Time and End Time of the session.

  • Select the Checkin Type that determines how the session can be attended and how the attendees are tracked. It can be set to No check-in, self check-in and Scan QR check-in.

  • If you wish you can change the color for the session from a predefined palette of Session color.

  • Select tags to Highlight key activities for the session.

  • Select one or multiple speakers for the session.

  • Provide a description to define the goals and objectives the session.

enter image description here

Additional Settings#

To further customise the event, you can fill out the Additiional Settings

  • Choose The session type among these :

    • General & Public

    • General & Private

    • With Ticket & Public

    • With Ticket & Private

  • Set up with RSVP settings to confirm attendee availability.

  • You can add a video or meeting link for the session too in case you want to make it accessible virtually.

  • Add any session related files under the File upload section.

  • A reminder push notification can be set for the session with a custom message from Push Message and preset time for reminding the attendees before the session start time from Send Push Before Session Start.

enter image description here

  • Click on Save Changes to save the Session.

The session will be now displayed on the calendar under the specified date and time with a zoom option. You can add any number of session.

Note : Session can be added through Excel import or bulk edit feature also.

Like this You can break down the event into manageable time slots according to your event requirements.#